Maternity and women's health care 12th edition test bank
Maternity and Women’s Health Care 12th edition Test Bank

Maternity and Women’s Health Care 12th edition Test Bank


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  • ISBN-13: 978-0323556293
    ISBN-10: 0323556299
  • Format: PDF 
  • Status: In Stock
  • Language: English
  • Authors: Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk, Mary Catherine Cashion, Shannon E. Perry, Kathryn Rhodes Alden, Ellen Olshansky
  • Publisher: ‎Mosby

The test banks for – Maternity and Women’s Health Care 12th Edition – ISBN-13: 978-0323556293 ISBN-10: 0323556299 With free sample. Stay up-to-date with the latest in women’s health! Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 12th Edition provides evidence-based coverage of everything you need to know about caring for women of childbearing age.

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Maternity and Women’s Health Care 12th edition Test Bank:

Keep yourself informed about the most recent advancements in women’s health with Maternity and Women’s Health Care, 12th Edition, a comprehensive evidence-based guide for caring for women of childbearing age. The latest edition is fully updated, adheres to the NCLEX® test plan, and highlights the importance of prioritizing care and working collaboratively with interprofessional teams. This book focuses on newborn care, wellness promotion, management of women’s health issues, and includes medication alerts, future trends in contraception, human trafficking, zika virus, and more. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding family, culture, and community-based care, and high-risk conditions are updated according to newly published guidelines. The expert authors of this best-selling maternity nursing textbook provide the most accurate and up-to-date content. Clinical Reasoning Case Studies offer the opportunity to critically analyze a client situation and use clinical reasoning skills to identify priorities in care. Community Activity boxes illustrate nursing care in various settings, including helping clients locate resources and pursuing maternal and newborn activities in local community settings and online. Cultural Considerations highlight the importance of considering clients’ beliefs and health practices from different cultures when providing care. Emergency boxes provide information on various emergency situations and serve as a quick reference in critical situations. Medication Guides provide key information about commonly used medications with specific nursing implications. Nursing Care Plans identify priority client problems and concerns, along with appropriate interventions and rationale. Highlighted Safety alerts integrated within the content draw attention to developing competencies related to safe nursing practice.


Table of Contents

Unit One: Introduction to Maternity & Women’s Health Care
1. 21st Century Maternity and Women’s Health Nursing
2. Community Care: The Family and Culture
3. Nursing and Genomics
Unit Two: Women’s Health
4. Assessment and Health Promotion
5. Violence Against Women
6. Reproductive System Concerns
7. Sexually Transmitted and Other Infections
8. Contraception and Abortion
9. Infertility
10. Breast Disorders and Neoplasms
11. Structural Disorders and Neoplasms of the Reproductive System
Unit Three: Pregnancy
12. Conception and Fetal Development
13. Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
14. Nursing Care of the Family During Pregnancy
15. Maternal and Fetal Nutrition
Unit Four: Childbirth
16. Labor and Birth Processes
17. Pain Management
18. Fetal Assessment During Labor
19. Nursing Care of the Family During Labor and Birth


Unit Five: Postpartum
20. Postpartum Physiologic Changes
21. Nursing Care of the Family During the Postpartum Period
22. Transition to Parenthood
Unit Six: Newborn
23. Physiologic and Behavioral Adaptations of the Newborn
24. Nursing Care of the Newborn and Family
25. Newborn Nutrition and Feeding
Unit Seven: Complications of Pregnancy
26. High Risk Pregnancy Assessment
27. Hypertensive Disorders
28. Hemorrhagic Disorders in Pregnancy
29. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
30. Medical-Surgical Disorders
31. Mental Health Disorders and Substance Abuse
32. Labor and Birth Complications
33. Postpartum Complications
34. Nursing Care of the High Risk Newborn and Family
Unit Eight: Newborn Complications
35. Acquired Problems of the Newborn
36. Hemolytic Disorders and Congenital Anomalies
37. Perinatal Loss and Grief

Sample: Introduction to Maternity & Women’s Health Care

Chapter 1

3 reviews for Maternity and Women’s Health Care 12th edition Test Bank

  1. Frank

    Nice!! Got what I paid for. I used the sample too as first. Good investment overall.

  2. Shawn

    Did receive the file in my email. Was able to download after the purchase also

  3. Vola

    perfect Test bank. I got it.

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